Program for
AI & Data Day 2024

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Velkommen & setting the scene, Jens-Jacob Aarup, valantic Partner & Managing Director @Inspari


Towards AGI

Zack Kass, AI Futurist & Former Head of Go To Market for OpenAI (In English)

Join us, as we hear from Zack Kass, one of the brightest and experienced minds bridging practical applications for AI in the world today. For over a decade, Zack Kass has stood at the crossroads where artificial intelligence meets the pragmatic world of business. With 14 years navigating this evolving landscape, Zack has had a front-row seat to the nuances and transformative possibilities AI brings. He devoted pivotal years at OpenAI, serving as the Head of Go-to-Market.

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Make data & AI work

Unlocking the Potential of AI: Exploring the Boundless Opportunities and Navigating the Pitfalls, with ChatGPT at the Forefront

LEO Pharma – Alex Schuleit, Head of Data & Advanced Analytics Solutions (In English)

Join this session and discover the fascinating journey of LEO Pharma as they embrace the power of ChatGPT internally. Uncover the secrets behind their successful organizational adoption: the triumphs, the hurdles, and the exciting future plans that await. Join us as we delve into the captivating world of LEO Pharma's ChatGPT transformation and uncover what they are doing to also embrace the next technology advancement.

AI & Digital transformation

Navigating the AI Horizon: Embracing the future at Copenhagen Airport

Copenhagen Airport – Tove Hejbøl Lindquist, PEX/Data & Digital Director

Tove Hejbøl Lindquist will be guiding you through Copenhagen Airport's beginning journey to embrace and harness the potential of AI. She will share how they are approaching how to explore effective integration of this transformative technology into their operations. The journey is filled with challenges, as the application of AI presents a complex landscape that requires careful navigation and a strategic approach. 

She will discuss their thoughts on how to develop a good understanding and expertise in AI through explorative approach and hands-on experience. Looking to the future, she will outline the evolving demands on their organization, the enhancement of their capabilities, and the refinement of their project approaches, all aimed at scaling AI utilization for a greater impact and efficiency.

Data Strategy & Data Platform

Next generation data activation - AI and Data Services at scale

Nuuday – Jonas Munk, Head of Next Gen Data-Driven IT

Nuuday has run an ambitious Data Strategy to clean up, consolidate and modernize its Data Platforms at a group level.

Looking into 2026 the ambition is aiming higher and move beyond classical reports to infuse Data Services into decision-making both for employees and systems. With a fundamental shift in the design of our cloud based common Data Platform we will scale the utilization of AI Services to benefit our organization and customers.

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Make data & AI work

Skab intelligente produkter med AI og sensordata

Grundfos – Lotte Ansgaard Thomsen, Lead Data Scientist in AI solutions

Mød Lotte Thomsen, Lead Data Scientist hos Grundfos med 15+ års erfaring inden for data science, IoT og datadomænet. Lotte specialiserer sig i innovative AI-løsninger til IoT-data og har en baggrund som postdoktor ved Yale University med forsking på forskningsintituttet CERN.

I dag inviterer Lotte jer til at udforske, hvordan viden fra forskningsområder som CERN kan drive innovation hos virksomheder som Grundfos. Vi vil se på, hvordan indsigt fra disse forskningssteder kan anvendes i industrien i dag. Fremlægget vil dykke ned i, hvordan intelligente produkter skabes ved at integrere AI med sensordata. Fokus vil være på konkrete AI-eksempler og de nødvendige strukturer, der er afgørende for succesfuld implementering i en stor og kompleks virksomhed.

AI & Digital transformation

Digital transformation: En rejse der sætter strøm til hjernerne hos NIRAS

NIRAS – Christian Holmegaard Mossing, Vice President; Data, Analytics and Planning

I denne præsentation får du et indblik i, hvordan man transformerer en virksomhed, der lever af viden. Hvordan får man 3000 fageksperter og specialister til at omfavne den digitale æra, der byder på både udfordrende forandringer og nye digitale værktøjer?

Christian vil dele sine nøgleindsigter om, hvordan en stærk virksomhedskultur, næsten ubegrænset tillid fra topledelsen, en gruppe af passionerede ildsjæle, der tør udfordre status quo, og skarpe digitale kompetencer og teknologier internt, kan være med til at skabe en succesfuld digital transformation. Han vil fokusere på, hvordan man kan skabe en digital forandringsrejse, der rent faktisk gør en forskel, og hvordan beslutninger nogle gange skal træffes meget hurtigt, især når det kommer til generativ AI.

Forbered dig på et indlæg, der vil give dig et unikt indblik i den praktiske side af digital transformation. 

Data Strategy & Data Platform

Accelerating data & AI with an open source based real time data marketplace

Tryg – Jesper Bæk Overgaard, Direktør & Head of Data & Analytics Program (In English)

Join Jesper Bæk Overgaard for a 25-minute journey through the dynamic landscape of accelerating and scaling the use of data & AI by Tryg. In Tryg they are commited to using data as a key lever for driving innovation and transformation. In this session you will explore key themes used to propel Tryg forward. 

Real time data platform – how real-time analytics enhance their ability to respond swiftly to customer needs. 
Open source tools  - Leveraging open source tools for collaborative development of robust and cost efficient solutions. 
Common delivery model – How they can accelerate and scale the use of data & AI across the Nordics and foster cocreation. 
Data Marketplace – bridging the data integrations between data producers and data consumers within their organisation fostering collaboration and value creation.

Learn how Tryg are using above elements to accelerate into a future where they can use data & AI to make insurance services smarter, more responsive and tailored to their customers needs. 

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Make data & AI work

Custom AI or Standard Solution - AI assistance in the Offshore Wind Business

Semco Maritime – Juli Behrendt Bexkens, Senior Process Specialist IT (In English)

AI has arrived, everybody talks about it, but how do you truly harness its power? Should you opt for an off-the-shelf solution or delve into crafting a customised AI solution tailored to your company's needs? Join Juli as she unveils Semco Maritime's bold choice (spoiler alert: they embraced a custom approach!), examines the advantages and disadvantages, and presents real-world examples of how AI has changed everyday business operations.

Her mission is to ignite your inspiration, encouraging you to embark on the AI journey within your company with confidence and effectiveness.

AI & Digital transformation

Bag kulisserne: Data og teknologiens indflydelse på FCK's transformation

F.C København – Morten Raffnsøe Petz, Head of Football Data and Technology

De sidste 3½ år er blevet kaldt ”FCK’s genrejsning”. Så storladende ord vil Morten ikke bruge, men der er ingen tvivl om at både ledelse, strategi og praksis er ændret fundamentalt. Og hvilken rolle spiller data og teknologi i den sammenhæng? Det vil Morten gøre os klogere på.

Morten har i øvrigt lovet, at han hurtigt løber tør for slides, så der vil gode muligheder for at stille spørgsmål. I ”Dataklubben” blev der talt om både broadway og BH’er, så spids blyanten og kom bevæbnet med jeres bedste spørgsmål!

Data Strategy & Data Platform

Cloud Data Platform: En nøglekomponent i AP Pensions digitale fremtid

AP Pension – Jacob Rønnow Jensen, Afdelingschef for Data Platform

En struktureret og demokratiseret tilgang til data er en af grundpillerne i AP Pensions digitale strategi. I denne præsentation vil Jacob præsentere det arbejde, der pågår med at bygge en moderne og brugervenlig Cloud Data Platform, der ud over at løfte den digitale modenhed, vil fungere som en central enabler for en effektiv hverdag i AP Pensions analyseenheder. Alt dette til gavn for AP Pensions kunder, medarbejdere og samarbejdspartnere. 
Han vil dele, hvordan en moderne data platform ikke kun tjener som et værktøj til støtte, men også som en kraft, der i sig selv muliggør arbejdsmetoder, der går ud over det konventionelle og muliggør sømløst samarbejde på tværs af organisationen.

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Dataklubben Live

Dataklubben Live deltagere:

Anne Cecilie Lasa-González, ESG & Sustainability Expert

Kasper Groes Albin Ludvigsen, Sustainable Data Science & Green AI advocate

Dataklubben Live hosts:

Inspari - Rosa Ryberg, Director, Sales & Operations Strategy
- Heino Vigsø, Managing Director

Præsentation i plenum

Exploring technology is a central part of DSV 

DSV – Jesper Riis, Group CIO

At DSV, we have always had a strong focus on digitalisation and automation. Approximately three years ago, we accelerated our AI journey by building our own large language model (LLM) to support some of our heavy administrative processes. With our LLM, we are in control of our own data and able to build AI competencies within our company and scale solutions.

This is an ongoing journey, and we continue to explore new technologies and utilise AI to optimise our processes and interactions.


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International Keynote

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity

Microsoft – Sarah Armstrong-Smith,​ Chief Security Advisor & AI (In English)

Join Sarah for a concise exploration of AI's double-edged influence on cybersecurity. Discover AI's capacity to identify and mitigate cyber threats, streamline incident response, and bolster digital defences. 

Concurrently, Sarah will address the risks of AI's malicious application, its decision-making biases, and the opacity of its logic. Gain valuable insights into harnessing AI's potential responsibly to protect and not compromise our cyber landscape.

Sarah brings a wealth of experience and insight to the table, offering a nuanced perspective on how AI can be a game-changer in cybersecurity while advocating for responsible innovation. 

Præsentation i plenum

Interactive insights to your data with AI

Hempel – Emilie Lundblad, Director of Artificial Intelligence & Automation & Natalia Skórowska, AI & Automation Specialist (In English)

Explore the foundational steps and challenges involved in building a chat tailored to your data, enriched with the capabilities of Azure AI Search. Gain insights into key decisions that influence the development process and project outcome.

You will learn how to chat with data coming from a SQL DB, in a secure way and optimize the information retrieval process in different ways.

Discover the practical uses of interacting with your data using AI-powered tools to improve your business and drive innovation.

Anne Skare Nielsen, Futurist, Universal Futurist
Wrap-up & key-take aways Jens-Jacob Aarup, valantic Partner & Managing Director @Inspari

Vi slutter af med lidt snacks og kolde forfriskninger inden vi turen går hjemad!


Har du spørgsmål til AI & Data Day 2024, er du mere end velkommen til at tage fat i mig.

Camilla Hove Toft
Head of AI & Data Day
+45 2819 6062



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